Slenderman has possessed my computer what do I do?

My computer keeps making a noise like when you get caught by Slenderman and the screen keeps going static. I think he's after me. I can hear him coming. The pages, I can't find the pages, and I need my computer to finish the game… If you can even call it that anymore. Someone please answer, I'm posting this from my iPhone, but I'm not even sure if that's safe. What do I do? How can I survive? Any help is appreciated, Please!

Well… Your stuffed. Go find a hole to die in and cry yourself to sleep.

I don't even know if this is a troll or not. But if it isn't and you have a really weird way of describing your problem, this is one serious problem. If it wait, screes don't go static, your a troll

You can't beat the slenderman head-on but you can beat him with your wits

Write a will
and entitle everything you own to me.

Go to your closest pet store and buy a purple rhino. They solved my "Why does my cake take a joint while riding the bicycle" problem, and they only cost 44 aparall coins.


Talk to the slender man and ask why he is following you

Find all 8 pages and you're fine. Just hurry and remember. DON'T LOOK BACK!@!