What happens if i click that?

Sites that i go to have these ads on them like- "You've got 2 new love interests!"/ "You've won an iPhone 5!" or "Lose weight by following this diet! Click to see diet" or some with dirty photos and "Click to see photos" underneath. What happens if I click these ads? Will i get a virus? (super scared of viruses and didn't take any chances by clicking).

Yup its very possible that you can get a virus or they will try to get your information

Don't even think about clicking those ads. They 1. Put viruses on your computer and 2. Are never truthful. Avoid them at all costs.

If you don't get a virus (HIGHLY LIKELY!) then you'll be asked to input your mobile number/address or other personal info. DO NOT DO THIS. They will not send you any procuct, they will simply spam your phone, harass you with calls, etc.

I don't think you'll get a virus, but all of those are just scams, so there's no point in clicking on them anyway.

These are the things that can happen:
Unwanted automatic downloads
Luring websites where they promise you something and you give them information such as your credit card number