Someone stole my iphone 6 plus at a fair last weekend?

I went to the restroom and I accidentally left my phone in the stall i went back after i realized my phone wasn't there. Five days later i just canceled my phone, what are the chances the person who stole my phone resetted it as new? I did have find my iphone but it doesn't show up any where.

If it doesn't show up maybe its not on, I would keep checking daily, if its on, you will find it.

They can't reset it, that phone is a brick. Find my iPhone does not allow you to reset it without the password. Did you have a lock on it too? If you didn't have a lock on your phone, they could possibly have gotten into your email if you had your email on the phone. If that's the case they can reset your apple ID. I would change your passwords if I were you.

Firstly, someone didn't steal it, you lost it. Secondly, that person has either kept the phone turned off or Find My iPhone has been disabled already.

Long gone bye iphone next time get insurance with it

More than likely they would have done that. In any case though wouldn't have gotten much further due to iCloud Activation Lock. Would require your Apple ID & password to make the phone useful. So its likely just a brick at this point.

Well have you checked the lost and found or asked the workers if they've seen it or to check the bathroom cameras if they have them? Most likely if someone was a good person they wouldn't turned it in because if it was sitting their with no one else around they would've thought someone left it. I don't know. Next time be more responsible with your stuff cause it's very difficult to trust people these days.

There's no chance of resetting it as new once you linked it with your iCloud. The thief can restore the phone but it will be activation locked. You reported it as "Lost or Stolen" to your carrier, so the phone is basically a brick.

Remember, only you can remove the activation lock. Many thieves are smart enough to keep the phone off (or restore it) so you might not be able to track where it is.

You might want to check eBay for a Used iPhone 6 plus in the meantime. I genuinely feel sorry that this happened to you.

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