Synching to iTunes on new laptop?

My old laptop with my iTunes on it has completely died. I have no way of retrieving any files from it. I have bought a new laptop and downloaded iTunes, but can't synch my iPhone straight up to it, I have the option to backup my files, and then update the phone software, which will wipe the phone. Will doing this and then restoring the backup allow me to synch the 2 together? I have heard about changing the iTunes settings to delete the old laptop from the account and register the new one, is this possible and would it solve the problem, and if so how do I do this?

Apple makes it so you are not allowed to sync any music on your phone to iTunes. What you'll have to do is what I had to do. Try to remember all the music/albums you downloaded and just redownload them in the iTunes Store. It will not charge you again. You will simply just download the file.

Know matter what you do your phones getting wiped ill tell you that but you can redone load the apps and music free (if its not illegally downloaded) but only if you bought the music on iTunes but after backing your phone up to that computer that will become the one computer that you can connect your phone to because your backing your phone into the computer. Make sense?

I just went through the same thing with my Ipad. Let me reiterate that Itunes sucks.
You have to authorize the computer. It is under the store menu.
Then they tell you to transfer your purchases first to the new computer or you will lose them.
Then Sync.

Don't upgrade versions until you have everything else done and working because despite their promises it wiped out everything but notes and photos, I had to go back to the itunes store and reinstall each program and numbers and pages will not work.

Firstly you are correct, you need to authorize your new computer to your itunes account:

Go into store on the menu bar and select authorize this computer:

Second: Plug in the ipod to sync with the library: you will see a message similar to this: itunes has found purchases on this device that are not in your library, do you want to transfer: Click transfer:

Now all your purchases should appear in your library:

The other way to do it is to authorize the computer go into the itunes store and on the right you will see purchases> click and download ALL. Now they are in your new library and you can sync your phone: Other members have commented that you have to remember all the songs and re download - this is not so- if you click on purchases it brings up the whole list as I have stated above, just click at the bottom of the page: Download All

If you wish to remove your old PC from your library: plug in the on the de-authorize all:

This will remove all authorizations: Now go back and select authorize this PC > now you have just the current one:

Any problems: edit the post, I will watch

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