Tango app Help (owners only)?

Ok so you all know the video chat texting app (alot like Skype) but its called tango. Well i like it and i'm using it on my Android tablet (not a phone) so to add ppl the thing goes though your contacts and if it sees that you have a contact that owns a "tango" account it adds them to your list automaticley BUT i don't have a phone. So i can't add ppl I don't have a iphone or a ipod touch. So i can't add them on face time and then see it on.tango like my friend does and also i can't invite ppl by email beacause i have a different verison so i can't find the add email button THIS IS All So ANOYING AND AND I NEED SOME ONE WHO USES THIS ON TABLET OR NON PHONE.

Did you know you asked this in the performing arts category?

I can't delete messages from the tango, I have a galaxy 3 how do i do this

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