Teachers, are the i-Pad kids different?

You know the ones I mean: the kids who have been glued to the iPad/iPhone/Tablet device since age 1 or younger.

Are their social/motor skills any different from previous generations? Or has the iPad had a positive effect?

There would have to be some differences, even minute ones… The thing is, the teachers being so overwhelmed, medicated, or just plain not plugged in, would never notice…

It's a little too early for there to be much research on that, although you could search at scholars.google.com for research articles.
I know quite a few pre-schoolers who use their parents iPad and iPhones. None of them are "glued" to them, though. They play with them occasionally, just as they play with a lot of other toys and with other kids. Video game addiction doesn't seem to set it until later.
I know there's research showing that kids who grew up playing video games have really good skills at operating the robots that are used for micro-operations now. They do much better than older doctors who never used joysticks or controlled things on a screen in games.

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