Teens how can this stupid girl drop her Iphone down the toilet?

I mean why would you be using the phone in the bathroom in the first place, and it aint just white girls that do this too, this one black girl and a mixed girl i know drop their phone in the toilet too.

the bathroom is for business not phones


It's because some girls make the beyond stupid mistake of putting their cell phones in their back pockets.

Finally someone understands.

Because apparently its fun to text while taking a sh*t.


Your completely right I don't use my phone much and I definetly don't take it to the bathroom

MANY of my friends have dropped cellphones in the toilet. I can see how it could happen, if you carry the phone hooked to your belt or the front of your pants. Lean over to lift the lid and. Whoops! When I go to the bathroom I make it a point to pull my phone off the front of my pants and stick it in my pocket.

And yeah, have you NEVER had the phone ring while you were on the toilet? And you answer it without thinking, 'cos you're not doing anything with your hands, right? And then you get done on the toilet but you're still talking? And you're wondering if you can flush the toilet, if they'll hear it and know you were talking to them while you were on the toilet? Yeah, tell me that's never happened to you. 8^P

My brother did that to his iphone. Unfortunately, he was puking in the toilet at the same time.

I always wonder that if when people do that, is it while they are peeing or pooing? Did they pull their phone out of pee and poo infested toilet water?

So many questions arise that I don't want to ask.