This new technology came from the devil, don't you think?

Iphones are clearly from the bowels of hell. Don't pretend you didn't notice.
And that android guy… That's a scary little dude.


Hey - on my phone i can look where I'm going without actually looking where I'm goi

Not sure about this devil stuff, but it is clear that all these chatter devices and websites are turning kids into social misfits.

I don't think the devil can physically make objects. Nothing is truly "of the devil".

Don't laugh, there are plenty of religious fundamentalist that think technology comes from hell itself.

That's why I android

Actually, I built the Android guy in my basement…
Gave him life just like Adam-Frankenstein's creation.

All my work went into designing his function, so I'm sorry I didn't get the form pleasing enough. :oD

Yes iphones are evil. It has one system that can't be altered, the battery can't be removed. It can always be accessed by prying eyes whether on or off. But hey, this is what the liberals wanted. Robots!

If you understand the depth of technology, and its unlikely origin, it is strange in an unsettling way.

People who think about the devil, are his workers.

It's not my fault that child labor is the only way to glue those tiny little transistors into the innards of teh smartphones.

Buying an iphone is like letting the devil inside your pants.

Couldn't live my life without it.

You're welcome.

Honestly speaking I don't like mobile phone because it means I have to carry an extra item in my bag but for convenience sake I have to but it is not scary but I just don't like extra wheight in my bag.


Siri is clearly Lucifier's be*otch.

That is why I still have a dumbphone instead of a smartphone. Yeah, that's it. It's not because I'm a cheapass.

People don't get the logic, they rather take phones and technology as a god. But everything is a test right, live your life, you will die one day.