To what extent does the iphone limit your freedom?

I've never had an iphone but I heard it's not as customizable as android. Is the lack of freedom annoying or is it not that bad?

Androids are most liked by technical people who love the idea of being able to change all those options, even though they may never actually change but a few except to play around with them.

I'm a technical person but I found all those options annoying and went with iPhone and have never looked back. The iPhone seems to have just the right amount of customizability -- just the things most people want without making it overly complicated or cluttered with unwanted options.

Not "customizable" is what jealous android users said back in 2009… Some are still hanging on to that.

When Apple decided to lock down the iPhone, it was effectively invoking the force of criminal law against jailbreaking. That seems like a restriction on users' freedom to me even if, like me and Jerry, you view freedom in terms of negative rights. You must also install Leo Privacy Guard in your smart phone, Very protective. Largely reduce cellphone power consumption, extend battery life