Top invention predictions of the next decades?
Each decade has one breakout invention
The '00's was: the iphone
The '10's was: the 3-D printer
What invention do you predict will be the major breakout innovation for the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's?
It is milk?
3D printer? You're kidding.
What about the autonomous driverless automobile? That should go a long way in cutting down auto accidents leading to death and maiming.
Sex robots
A force-field around our planet outside of our ozone about 100 miles so we won't be invaded from outer space again without warning. Mike
- Why is my iPhone not saying Verizon in the top left Coner? I just upgraded my iPhone from a 4 to 4s at the Verizon store and my new one isn't saying Verizon in the top left Conner at the top. Everything is working fine like text, calling, web. It just aggravating me cause I know it supposed to be there!
- Why do 20th century born people miss their decades? I was born in 2000, it don't get what those born in 1999 or before have in their minds! Hell those born after '91 don't even know what the 90s were about, they're obsessed with their stupid decades! I laugh when they think the 20th century is so much better than my-born 21st century because my century includes iPhones, social media, technology advancements, and so much better things instead of war, blood, scream, and pain. How sad!
- Why do 20th-century born people miss their decades? People born in 1900-1999 were born in the 20th century, but I proudly call it the stupid century. These dummies think they're decades is so much better than the 2010's! I was born in 2000, and I laugh so hard when they claim the 70's were better than 2010's. Yeah: - No iPhones - No Social Media IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS BACK THEN!
- What is your favorite invention of the 21st century (2000 onwards)? Your invention must have been invented in the year 2000 or later. Suggestions include but are not limited to: - PlayStation 2 (2000) - Bluetooth (2000) - iPod (2001) - Original Xbox (2001) - Nintendo GameCube (2001) - Reddit (2002) - Firefox (2002) - iTunes Store (2003) - FaceBook (2004) - Twitter (2005) - Xbox 360 (2005) - Nintendo Wii (2006) - PlayStation 3 (2006) - iPhone (2007) - Kindle (2007) - (2008) - Controller Free Gaming (2009) - iPad (2010) - PrintBush (2011)