Unlock AT&T iPhone 4 on 04.12.02 running iOS 6.0.1 / 6.0?

I have iPhone 4 locked to AT&T running iOS 6.0.1 with 4.12.02 baseband and I want to make factory unlock to it. I know that there are websites that can do it, but I have scammed many times, so can someone tell me how can I unlock my AT&T iPhone?

You can make permanent factory IMEI unlock to your iPhone 4 which locked to AT&T running iOS 6.0.1 or iOS 6.0 on 4.12.02. This unlock work with any baseband as it will turns your iPhone to factory unlocked iPhone.

Their are dozen of scammers, I have unlocked my 3 iPhones with website and I can confirm that they are trusted, they unlocked my 3 At&T iPhones.

Here's the website: http://myimeiunlock.com/shop/usa-iphone-imei-factory-unlock/