Update iPhone 5s to iOS 8.0.2 - YES or NO? - 1

Apple finally released a new iOS 8.0.2 update.

Has anybody updated their iPhone 5s to iOS 8.0.2? I heard people still experiencing some issues like significant battery drains, apps crashing, slower performance, Wi-Fi etc?

Would you recommend updating my iPhone 5s from iOS 7.1.2 to 8.0.2 or wait patiently for next update?

When will Apple release another new update to fix the problems?

Please share your experiences and any useful advice you may have.

I'm running the latest version on my 5 and it's all seemingly good.

Wait a few weeks, I always wait a month.

I agree on waiting until there are no reports of major problems in online media, due to iOS updates glitches and problems. So give it a few weeks to a month AFTER the last public update patch to iOS 8