Use a replacement iPhone on Verizon plan?

I have an old basic phone and my contract with Verizon is up which means I'm allowed a free upgrade! I don't really want to extend my contract with them by upgrading to another phone until I'm 100% sure that I want to stay with them. Right now, money is tight and I may need to switch to another carrier if needed. My cousin has an iPhone 4 that he's not using anymore that is part of Verizon. Will it be possible for me to use it as a replacement phone for my basic phone? I understand it requires a data plan and I'm willing to pay it, but will it extend my contract? Will I be able to cancel the data anytime if I want to switch back to a basic phone since it's a replacement phone for me?

No Sorry. The only reason why that's a no is because iPhones use a micro sim and regular phones don't. So you can't just switch phones whenever unless they were both iPhones. You would have to pay a lot of money if you wanted to break the contract. Srry!

I have an old basic phone and my contract with Verizon is up which means I'm allowed a free upgrade! I don't really want to extend my contract with them by upgrading to another phone until I'm 100% sure that I want to stay with them. Right now, money is tight and I may need to switch to another carrier if needed. My cousin has an iPhone 4 that he's not using anymore that is part of Verizon. Will it be possible for me to use it as a replacement phone for my basic phone?

I understand it requires a data plan and I'm willing to pay it, but will it extend my contract?
---no… Contracts are only given if you buy a discounted NEW or USED phone from Verizon or a National Retailer, like Walmart Best Buy Radioshack Wirefly, Amazon… A cell phone is $599+… But if you sign a contract, you can get it for FREE-$199.99… Phones given to you by friends/family or if you buy it from ebay/craiglist/swappa won't have a contract since you didn't buy it from Verizon or a national retailer at a discounted price.

Will I be able to cancel the data anytime if I want to switch back to a basic phone since it's a replacement phone for me?
--- yes… You must first swtich back to the basic phone, then verizon will delete the data plan

I'm a verizon wireless tech support agent and that would be perfectly acceptable. It would not extend or change your contract at all. And liked you said would have to pay for the data. And the iphone is a 3g device and only 4g devices have a sim card unless you get it set up for global use. At least for vzw.

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