Verizon 4s found, can i use it?

I'm in a family plan from verizon.currently i have a lg lucid and want to switch to an iphone 4s. The only problem is, the iphone 4s is a phone my sister found. I don't know the details about the phone but is it still possible for me to use it under my plan?

It continually amazes me that questions such as this are asked!

Your sister found a phone that was lost. Shouldn't you be trying to get that lost phone back to it's owner? If you had lost your phone wouldn't you want the person who found it to return it to you? The same thing applies. If you can't find the owner, then take it to a Verizon store and they will.

ALSO, most likely the owner of the phone has realized it is lost and has informed Verizon of this fact. Once that has happened Verizon will LOCK OUT the phone. If you try and activate it Verizon will inform you that the phone was reported lost and can't be activated.

Not legally. It isn't yours.

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