Verizon iPhone 4 plans prepaid?

I have an unlocked Verizon iPhone 4 that I would like to make prepaid. I have a question about the Verizon $100 prepaid card that you can get at Walmart. Does it last a whole year? And what do you get? Unlimited everything? I would like to stick with Verizon because I get really good reception with them, but is there any alternatives? I was thinking about metro pcs. I'm also thinking about getting it flashed to virgin mobile because they are my current carrier. I need a plan that offers unlimited data and texting. I'm not so worried about unlimited calling, but I need a little talking minutes. What are my options?

1. Verizon cost $80 a month for unlimited everything on smartphone.
2. You currently only have one option. You can't bring your own phone or use a iphone.
3. No it does not last one year. If a smartphone pre-paid plan cost $80 a MONTH then that card will last you a month.
4.unlimited everything. mobile does not let you bring your own phone.
6. If you already have a unlocked phone you arent capable of using it on virgin mobile or MetroPCS.

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