Verizon-no unlimited-will texting a iTouch with iMessage cost me?

i have the iPhone 4 on Verizon and i use iMessage and regular SMS. I have no unlimited texting WHICH MEANS i can text any Verizon phone for free but if i text any other carrier it is pulled into my 500 count.

SO if i text an iPod Touch user that uses iMessage will it get pulled into my 500 count? Cuz the iPod Touches don't have a carrier… So i don't know what to think.

IMessage doesn't go through SMS so it wouldn't count, since obviously an iPod can't do SMS because it isn't a phone.

Who knows try it to see what happens is my philosophy

As long as you are using iMessage it should not apply towards your 500 limit, but it will apply towards data usage unless you are using Wi-Fi.

I also wanted to add that if you are really concerned, go to and create a MyVerizon account. From there you can track the number of texts you have used out of your limit. There's also a MyVerizon app you can download which serves the same basic function, so you can check it regularly from your phone.