Volume not working properly?

So earlier today I was watching a video on my iPhone 4 and the phone fell and water spilled on it. I picked my phone up, quickly trying to get the water off of it. The video was still playing on my phone but the volume wasn't working. My volume wasn't working at all. So I tried turning my volume up, but it said headphone volume instea of speaker. So I put my headphones in and the volume was working fine. But I still decided to put it in rice (I only left it in the bag for 5 hours.) after I took it out my volume still wasn't working, not even in a call. So I decided to put my headphones in and the volume still wasn't working right. The only things that work is my ringtone and when I'm in a call and it's on speaker. Does anyone know how I can fix my phone?

You might want to try soaking it in rice longer like 2 days. If that doesn't work, then try taking it to the Apple store or sending it in for a replacement

1st not a good thing to do by using it right away after it got wet. You can really mess your iphone up.turn it completely off, open it up and remove the battery, dry everything up the best you can ad lett set to air dry x 48-72 hrs. After this amount of time put it all back together and plug it into the charge x 8-24hrs.turn it on and everything should work as new.

Speaker go to device manager, under sound, video and game controllers, uninstall their drivers, and then reboot.allow the OS to refresh the drivers for the found hardware. Make sure you are connected to the internet if windows need to fetch anything new.

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