Was this a mean thing to say on Facebook?

"You are on free or reduced lunch but you have that IPhone XR, how though?" "If you have the IPhone XR than you don't need welfare, food stamps, Obamacare, or even pell grant."

Facebook is 4 idiots

Facebook is for grandmothers and teenage girls. Which one are you?

It was an ignorant thing to say, no matter where it was said.

Not very tactful put they have a point. If you can have expensive electronics, it is not fair to taxpayers to be paying for things you could be putting your money toward instead.

Sounds like it, that iphone nnight not be even theirs

Mean? I don't understand it!

Yes that was Kinda mean to say

Terribly ignorant comment. A cell phone does not define your social or economic status. For all they know, it was a gift from their grandparents, or a church, or any other number of possible options. Hell, the XR is dirt cheap compared to some phones.