Water-damaged iPhone rice trick? Is it effective?

By accident i dropped my phone in the water and picked it up very quickly, it was on for like 3 seconds before the screen went completely blank. I tried switching on again but its not working, so i just used the hair dryer (cold) to dry it from the inside as much as possible. I heard the rice trick where you put your iPhone in a container sealed with rice for at least 2 days, because it absorbs the moist out of the iPhone, and they said it works 90% of a time which is good. But i was wondering if i could unscrew my phone and take out the pieces and dry them separately and put them back together and try switching it on and see if it works or not, because the outcome is the same and its a faster way. But is the rice more effective? Since i hear solutions of using the rice trick more than unscrewing the iphone and drying the pieces. So i was wondering why? And please if you have any ways i can use to help my iPhone to work again its very much appreciated, because i spent the whole night yesterday in tears.

My iPod touch went through the washer once. Once I found out, I immediately put it in a bag of rice. Btw, DOMT PLUG IT IN! YOU'LL FRY IT OUT! Anyway, I left it in the rice for two or three days, plugged it in, and it worked fine. Rice absorbs the water, and IT WORKS.

Leave it in the rice for three days or so.

No its not going to work. That rice trick is a joke and doesn't work. With my old cell phones for fun I did that and put them in rice. They didn't work after that. The only way to make it work which I made one of them work.was take your cell phone completely apart and let it dry.

The rice will dry your iPhone out then it will work again.

Its fake. The only way it could work is if your phone has vry litle water in it and has to be immediatly

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