We should all go on strike to raise the minimum wage to $50/hour?

So we can feed our 10 children and keep our iphones and bmws and all live in bel-air. They need to show more respect for us burger flippers.

That would not work considering the cost of living would go up (groceries gas etc… )

Nothing good would come from raising the minimum wage by that much. Inflation would soon follow, meaning that you'd still be struggling to pay bills even though you make $50 an hour. And I don't want the average cost of a new movie to go from $20 to $80.

Well you'd strike for as long as you like but the free market will not push the price up to 50 bucks an hour.

You'd get hungry, need gas, electricity and with no job, people will take the cheapest job they could afford, so the price would resettle.

What a great idea! I'm looking forward to its implementation, and the resulting $20 hamburgers and $5 Coca-colas! The very best part is… The dollar will be so devalued that the bonds the Chinese are holding will become more useful as toilet paper and little origami swans! GO FOR IT!

(Do you suppose the Chinese will let us pay off the debt by returning all the poisonous toys and fake iPhones that they sent over here?)

No, we shouldn't, but you should.

Raise the minimum wage to that and small businesses with 10 employees will become 3 employees.

This is an excellent way to point out the fallacies of progressivism. They would rather creep up the wage gradually, until it was $50 an hour, thus the illusion of making "progress". Also, as other have pointed out, why not jump it up there now? Because the market, the actual reality test for sustainable costs/prices, would not hold up and would ruin everything, and that's more of the revolutionary approach, but you discover the wrongheadedness of the approach MUCH sooner.

Fifty dollars an hour would only buy you the same has ten dollars an hour does now.
The dollar would become worthless no country would buy your goods most cities would become like Detroit.

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