Why do Liberals want to raise taxes?
So the 47% can afford to pay their new data plan for their iphone 5?
so GSA can travel lavish parties in Vegas?
to pay for illegal immigrants medical and educational bills while I worked full time at community college?
to redistribute the wealth?
To pay down the national debt that was massivley increased by bush's wars and the blank check Republican congress.
To return us to the prosperious years of Clinton before bush's corporate welfare era nearly destroyed the nation.
Cuz it's opposite day
Our deficit is a result of Bush tax cuts and 2 unfunded wars.
In my world, increasing revenues AND cutting spending is how I reduce out of control debt. I'm not sure which planet doing only one or the other is effective.
They trust the government with our hard earned money. It's crazy.
Romney: lower taxes
Obama: higher taxes
Hello? Shouldn't that be enough to elect Romney?
Its the Republicans that threaten to raise taxes on the middle if the Bush tax cuts expire. Its always been that way. We can't get out of the whole if they aren't raised on the very rich. If Mitt Romney gets in he will tax them to death. And lower them for the very rich.
To them it's not a means to an end, or a necessary evil; it's an end. After having spoken to many, many liberals they want to raise taxes for the sake of raising taxes.
- Why don't cons realize all the things taxes pay for? Are taxes pay for the entire government Without them we would have the federal reserve, 7-11's or iphones. All things made and run by the government
- Where did the stereotype that liberals love apple come from? Of all political stereotypes, this one sounds pretty stupid. What part of what liberals believe in involves Apple? The iPhone 4S is overpriced anyway. A $200 on contract Android phone would likely have LTE and/or a quad core CPU.
- We should all go on strike to raise the minimum wage to $50/hour? So we can feed our 10 children and keep our iphones and bmws and all live in bel-air. They need to show more respect for us burger flippers.
- Smartphone broke. Currently can't afford a new one. Any ideas on how to raise money quickly? I'm a college student. Already dirt poor. All my money goes into school, bills, and food. My smartphone recently broke, and I work for an Uber-like on demand phone app service (which requires an iphone 5 equivalent or better) for my money currently as well as sell art on instagram. Basically I work through my phone. But I broke it. Are there any SAFE ways to earn cash faster? I already donated all my clothes, and I don't even wanna tell you how the pawn shop fooled me.