What are reasons why I should buy my daughter an iPhone?

Simple as that, how will it benefit her and what are some good reasons?

She will be able to contact you in case of emergency, you will be able to contact her at any time. If it's her first phone though, I wouldn't get her something so expensive

It doesn't benefit her…
That's it.
Honestly nobody really cares if you have an Iphone or not these days.
Plus, it depends on her age.
Younger kids (below 13) then dear god no.
Teenager, they usually only use it for the apps and games and stuff.
I've only seen my friends use the Iphone for the apps and internet thing.
So, that's pretty much the only good thing. If she already has a phone that is working just fine, then buy her an Ipod touch, it has the apps.

It depends how old she is. My mum bought my sister one after lots of begging. My mum didn't see what was so amazing about them until she showed her what you can do on it. Basically(sp?) everything you do on a computer but on a phone

There's no difference from iPhone and any other phone, wait there's the iPhone is more epensive. If I was you I would buy her an android phone. People want iPhone because they're "cool" I have a droid 3 and my mom and sister have an iPhone. I tried both phones and honestly I like the doid more for many reasons.

Trying to fool folks? You are asking YA answerers for reasons you can give your mother to persuade her to buy you an iPhone. It's really obvious.

It doesn't really "benefit" anyone, but you can play games, use the Internet, look at the weather, use Google maps, etc. All on one small portable device. I guess that benefits some people… If you'd rather not get her an iPhone then you can just get her an iPod touch which basically does the same thing except without the ability to call others.

It depends how old she is I think. If she's young, and still a child opposed to a teenager, she does not need one. In my opinion that's a little grown up, maybe a more basic phone so you have contact.

If she is older they're great for obviously keeping in contact, but also taking photos and using the internet.

No child needs an Iphone. Most adults do not need an Iphone. Buy her a cheap prepaid phone. This is what all kids should have.

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