What are some good photography apps iphone?
What are some photoshop like photo apps for iphone… Please don't say photoshop
Snapspeed and Pxlr express
Camera+ is great!
those are my favorites
There are none that are good. There's the Photoshop Touch app, but it's not great.
iPhones are basically useless for serious image editing and for taking photos. Use a computer if you want to edit your images, get some proper software. Use a proper camera, even a cheap point and shoot is 1000 times better than the best phone camera.
I'm not a great photographer and running a professional camera is way over my head, so I cheat quite a bit by using my iPhone and some favorite applications. From a marketing aspect, providing a picture directly into the work we're doing, the places we're visiting, and the lives we're living adds a level of transparency that our clients and followers enjoy.
To engage with our community, photos have been key. I'd encourage every company to have their employees share! Here's a breakdown of my favorite iPhone applications.
Grid Lens
Photoshop Express for iPhone
There are a number of good photography apps are available for iPhone that are free too. You can check this article, you'll get to know good ones.
- Which phone is good for photography? IPhone 6 32GB - Single 8mp f2.4 camera $141 total (new) LG G5 32GB - Dual 16mp f1.8, 8mp f2.4 cameras $90 total (used, scratches) Huawei Honor 6x 32GB - Dual 12mp & 2mp f0.95 - f16 $163 total (new) I do low light night street photography. Please let me know which one you think is best.
- What are some really cool iphone apps for photography? Like there's one where it shows two of you, like a mirror effect? can you just like give me a list? AND THEY SHOULD BE FREE?
- What are some good photography cameras? My range is 50-300 dollars? So, I have been doing photography on my iPhone and editing them with an app but I want an actual camera. I'm really like Nikon's and Canon's but I'm leaning towards a Nikon. I have a computer system and was just going to edit the pictures on the computer. Tell me the type of camera and the price.
- IPhone Photography Amazing Apps? What's really nice good beautiful photography editing photo apps on iPhone but it has to be free? I want a nice free beautiful app.