What are some good photography cameras? My range is 50-300 dollars?

So, I have been doing photography on my iPhone and editing them with an app but I want an actual camera. I'm really like Nikon's and Canon's but I'm leaning towards a Nikon. I have a computer system and was just going to edit the pictures on the computer. Tell me the type of camera and the price.


I know that's over your budget but that's a dSLR.

Canon Rebel T5i is a good DSLR to start out. A basic lens pack will be fine. 18-55mm would work to learn with. Canon Rebels are excellent DSLRs that will last you years. (One of mine is 10 years old.) So they're worth the $500 you'd spend on it. Also, you can find deals on Amazon that will give you plenty of "accessories" to go along with the camera body.

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