What are your favorite iphone apps?

Perferably your favorite ones for photo editing.
I want to know!
You can tell me just all your favorites. I need some new apps!

I love Instagram and Angry Birds! But of course, other phones have those apps. You can take pictures on Instagram and it's like sharing it to everyone and it can be black and white and stuff: D


My favorites are
Pandora (music app)
Period Tracker (It's a life saver!)
Picsart (Probably the best photo editing app you can get)

Facebook and Twitter!

I love Dragonvale, you get to breed kwl species of dragon in this park and each month they release a new one you have to breed before they finish for the year.

My favorite iPhone apps is tample run and advise booth. But recently I was installed new released game apps "Itazer stun gun" and "Step Over". These both game are most exciting game yet. I'm enjoying to play these game. If you have to need apps you can download these apps here http://itunes.apple.com/...42344?mt=8 and http://itunes.apple.com/...12423?mt=8. Make sure you like this game and also play with your friend.