What can you do on a iPad mini that you can't do on a iPhone 5?
I'm going to buy one of these. So I wanted to know why the iPad mini is popular. I don't care if the iPhone 5 is more expensive.
Ipads and iphones do just about identical things. The only difference being the larger screen on the ipads and the phone function on the iphones.
You have access to both iPad only apps and iPhone apps on the iPad Mini, whereas the iPhone 5 restricts you to just iPhone/touch apps.
The iPhone 5 is a lovely device and very capable. It has a fantastic camera with flash and a retina screen in its favour, but reading articles and web pages will always feel more comfortable on an iPad mini. Both have strong points, the phone being more portable and… Well, a phone, the iPad mini is much more suited to reading, browsing and all sorts of productivity and creativity.
The iPad mini can't make calls (obviously) so there's the flip side.
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