What device should I buy for school?
I'm looking for a new device for school, because my laptop broke. I was thinking of getting an iPad over a laptop. I have never good luck with laptops as I can't afford to spend a lot of money and they always break quickly. I have an iPhone, which I love! And I have always loved apple products but their computers and laptops are way too expensive. If I got an iPad I would probably get the first
generation, as I don't think I need a camera. I just need to be able to type papers, do powerpoints, and email. I have two ways I can print in my house. I have a wireless printer, that isn't set up yet as my brother or my dad hasn't had time. Or, I would just do it the old fashioned way, email it to my self then print it from my brothers computer. That's really it. I'm not big into the gaming stuff. Also, I would buy a keyboard for it.So, I guess I ha e a couple questions for you.
Would a iPad get me through high school? I have 3 years left?
Would spending a little more money on an iPad 2 be worth it?
Or, should I get a laptop? I feel like an iPad would last longer… My laptop would have to be something cheap, that would run good and last me awhile, any suggestions?
I'm seriously leaning towards an iPad, because it is Easy to use(I'm terrible with technology), it can do the basic things I need it to do, and cheaper, it seems to last longer, and more portable than a laptop.
What do you think? Any advice or suggestion would be appreciated!
IF your serious about school get a laptop. Ipads are so expensive you might as well get a device worth your money.
I'd look at a netbook / lap top.
I have an iPad 2 and I love it! Personally I think 1st gen iPads are a bit slow compared to the 2nd and everything is much more responsive with 2nd.
I have no idea how, when price is an issue, an iPad is a viable solution?!
It sounds like you are simply trying to talk yourself into getting an iPad and if that is the case, get one as you will not be happy until you do.
The most rational decision for remedying your situation would be to buy yourself a cheap laptop.
If you have trouble breaking laptops, an iPad doesn't stand a chance!
I would go for an entry level laptop.
If you are looking to save money on a laptop, a great place to check out is Kudu Bids. They are an online store that offers deals each day to it's members. I won a laptop on there for under $300 even though it cost over $1, 800 in the stores! They have a lot of great products for sale each day so if you want to save some serious money on a Laptop check out Kudu Bids. Trust me, it is well worth it! KuduBids.com
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