What do you do when someone thinks your gay?

Well I was showing something to My brother on the pc, and when I exited out of it, there was a website with gay iphone cases. He said "What's this?" I said" I don't know." Does he know? Does he not know? Does he even remember? Thanks! P.s. Since this happened, I haven't been afraid to come out at all.

Added (1). They weren't just feminine, they said "gay=ok" on them.

Just tell him your not gay if he asks or when its a good time. Trust me, he most likely doesn't even think about it, and its just iphone cases.

I smile and say, "Yeah, and I love my wife."

How can one just simply assume that your gay by iPhone cases that are feminine? It's ignorant. But don't worry about it. I'm sure he already knows. My family and family friends already knew. Take things one step at a time.