What do you see as the next big technology?

Iphone/Ipad was the last big technology.

What do you think the next world changing technology will be?

4d printers…

Integral education as a method of correction and connection on a global scale.

What Is Integral Education

Integral Education in American Colleges

Big. Can you put that into a measurement for us? World changing technology? I don't know what it will be, but it probably won't do anything but increase the extents of certain human capabilities. According to the following documentary on the Automated Economy, perhaps it will be self-constructing homes:

(1) the crystal ball that foretells the future hasn't been invented yet.

(2) If I knew, I'd keep it to myself.

Computer emotion

Energy or natgas related

The borg is becoming more and more possible as technology gets smaller and people talk about making nano tech that thinks like bees. Freaks me out a little but who knows what might come? They did make a flying car for all that it is impractical with our current infrastructure.

Things which are currently in development or gaining traction:

1 driverless cars
2 AI/Swarm drones
3 Wearable technology

Screw cell phones, I want the internet plugged straight into my brain. The technology is getting closer.

Electric paint - paint that changes color with a change of voltage.

Oh - and I want Stevenson's 4-D printer! ROFL!

On the other hand, Beasticus Tofudii?! YIKES!