What does 2 year contract means?

I'm 13 years old and i want a phone! I'm saving money to buy a phone, i'm thinking on an Iphone 5s so i found this phone thats 599.99$ but with two year contract it'll be 149.99$ but then there's 20$/mo i actually don't get it…
What does 2 year contract mean? Cuz honestly i don't understand num.

You are obligated to pay for 2 yrs at that rate. If you cancel or stop paying, there are huge penalties

It means that someone of legal age (18 in most states) must sign a contract saying they will keep service with that cellular company for two years. If they don't they will have to pay the remaining cost of the phone.

The $20/month is the monthly fee to use the phone. They aren't free.

FORGET the phone and put more effort into getting an education, beginning with with leaning how to write a correct and comprehensive paragraph. Serious.

Means pay for 2 years so you can't cancel

A 2 year contract means that you get a discounted price on the phone, but have to pay the monthly fee plus any overages on your bill.

So for you, if you do the 2 year contract, then you get the discounted price of $150 for the phone, but the monthly plan is $20 per month, not including anything else that may get tacked on to your bill. It means for 2 years, you'll be using that phone and paying the $20 plus whatever else that you need to.

If you buy JUST the phone, it would be $600, and that's not including data or a phone plan.

What do you not get?

a 2 year contract at $20/month means exactly that
every month for 2 years, you pay 20 per month…

And if you do. They will lower the price of the phone to 149.
because basically some of that 20/m is paying off the phone… (full price)
600 - 150 = 450, so 24 months means, about 17 of the 20 is paying for the phone and some 3-4 is left to pay for 'some' airtime.

of course, you need to be 18 to enter into a legal contract.
so even if you and your bank account paid for it, an over 18 person needs to sign the contract.