What does jailbreaking an iPhone 4s do?
What's the difference?
It gives your iPhone cool tweeks like a app that lets you get every app free and a app that lets you scroll through your app differently
It does MANY things. Like stated before… Cool tweaks. Also, you can personalize your iphone with themes and such. For examples, your background might be a picture of snow and your apps are snowmans…
i've never ran across a theme like that tho… It was just an example, haha!
downside, it may slow your iphone down or boot you out to lock screen for no reason. Its dumb sometimes.
It gives your cell phone carrier the right to charge you full price for your phone and deactivate your phones hardware forever. You probably want to know the benefits though right? Well it allows you to do almost anything you want on your phone. I performed a jailbreak on my playstation 3 and it gives me tons of things I won't discuss but i'll give you one example. I can now access the "secure" chinese playstation network
- What does jailbreaking your iPhone do? I hear people talk about jailbreaking their iPhone/iPod all the time, but I'm not really sure what that means? What are the benefits of doing this? * If you could also take the time to check out my other question, it would be very much appreciated! Thank you! ↓↓↓ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AslNaZc3q4hDpkpfLo364cPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120807012121AAp9IN3
- What does jailbreaking your iphone do? - 1 I hear people talking about jailbreaking all the time. What is jailbreaking? Is it dangrous or safe for your phone?
- What does Jailbreaking does on your iphone 4s? Is it ok to jailbreak? I think you can download many apps that needs to pay it… But the problem is i'm scared thinking of what will happen to it. Should i jailbreak it? Best answers there!
- Does unlocking and jailbreaking an iPhone void apple care warrenty? So I got the iPhone 5, and I want to unlock it to put it with another company. Also I want to jailbreak it when the jailbreak comes out. If I do those 2 and my phone breakes, or cracks screen will I be able to get a new one? What if I completely restore it as a new iPhone? Would they replace it?