What does LowMemory mean in diagnostics and usage?

I have an iPhone 5. I'm wondering if the information below is how many pages of going online, and using cellular/Wi-Fi data I have left, or something else:
Free pages: 1744
Active pages: 15827
Inactive pages: 8058
Throttled pages: 202797
Purgeable pages: 44
Wired pages: 30945
Largest process: Instagram

Can anyone explain what this part means?

Pages - when referring to memory - is not related to internet data. Pages are a confusing topic, so to describe them simply they are little blocks of memory.

- Your free pages are the amount of blocks that aren't currently being used.
- Your active pages are the blocks that are currently being used or changed.
- Your inactive pages are the blocks that aren't being used, and may not have been used for quite a while.
- Purgeable pages are blocks that can be deleted and re-used.

Your largest process, in this case Instagram, is likely to have caused the error log you found in Diagnostics and Usage. This is because instagram stores a huge amounts of images in your memory, and if it starts to use too much your iPhone will close the app and delete (otherwise known as purging) the photos from the memory.