What does Not IOS mean, Iphone

I just bought an Iphone 4 and they said its not IOS. What does that mean? Can I still use the phone? What does Not IOS mean? I would like to use this phone.

IOS is software update on the iPods and iPhones. Your IPhone has iOS i don't know what version yours would have but it will work no matter what

I don't know about all that. If its an iPhone the iOS is the operating system. I think the newest version now is iOS 6.0.1. Apple releases new updates all the time that you upgrade USO g iTunes or right through your Wi-Fi from the phone. You should be able to use it as long as it belongs to the carrier that you have. Otherwise you will have to jailbreak it and unlock it. If you want to do all that its a bit more complex unless you know your way around programs. Hope this helps.

"Not iOS"? That's weird. All iPhones run on iOS since the 1st back in 2007. Can you be more specific? Something's not sounding right there…