What does the i stand for in iPod, IPad, iPhone, etc?

What does the "i" stand for in iPod, IPad, iPhone, etc?

It stands for intelligent as in intelligent pad or intelligent phone etc meaning that they are smart phones.

I don't think it stands for anything. I think it's just a marketing thing so that more people will buy it because of it's name.


Originally it stood for "independent", at least that's the story about how they came up with "iPod" - which was the first of these products to be named this way.

The I stands for Interactive.

Interactive Portable Open Database (Ipod)

It use to stand for Internet Portable Open Database (IPod)

As for the pad and phone the I stands for nothing but just a naming brand for the company.

I think it was independent. But now they just use it for an easy name and ads and stuff.
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