What funny things can I make Siri say?

Well I have an iPhone 4S with Siri and I was wondering if anyone knows what funny things I can say to it

Tell Siri to give you a *** and her response is… Hilarious!
Say: "Can you give me a ***?"
NOTE!: I'm not a dirty-minded person, I saw it on a video on YouTube.

1. Say to sir, "Call me (swear word)" and then from now on she'll call you that swear word.
2. Say tell me a story over and over again until she tells you the tragic story of her life with apple.
3. Say "will you marry me" and see what happens.
4. Say "what are you doing" and she will say, "waiting for something you tell me to do"
5. Ask siri what her favourite colour is. It's weird.
6. Ask "when is the world going to end" and wait.
7. Ask her "who lives in a pineapple under the sea"
8. Say "I love you siri" and it will say "I bet you say that to all your apple products"
9. "What are you wearing" and it will say "glass, nice huh"
10.say "you don't understand love"
11. "what is the best tablet" It says "Ipad"
12. Say "am i fat" she says "yeah"
13. Ask her if she's human.
14. Ask her to make you a sandwich.
15. "when will pigs fly"
16.say "mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all."
17. Ask her where to hide a dead body.
18. Ask siri "where does justin bieber live"
19.Ask her "do you know steve jobs"
20. Ask her to shut up.
21. Finally, Ask her to reset your phone, If you're serious.

Hope i helped!

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