What happeneds if my iphone falls in water?
What happeneds if my iphone falls in water?
my i phone fell in water about a half hour ago, my son picked it up and carried it for a bath. I put it in the sun but it still isn't even coming on. What should i do? Is it the end for my iphone?
Yes it's maybe the end of the iPhone but maybe get it replaced by tel company. Also try drying it in the sun! Sometimes take 3 days. Then bahm- it works
Try putting it in a bag of rice for a few days, the rice should absorb as much as the liquid as possible.
Your iphone will activate airplane mode and fly out of the water in time.
Lol no jk its dead. You can put it in uncooked rice its soposed to help suck the water out but if it was fully submerged for longer then a nanosecond chances are its a goner
Keep it in the sun for a longer time and it could be ok… My husband did that for a couple of days and his is fine now
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- What happeneds if my iphone falls in water? - 1 My i phone fell in water about a half hour ago, my son picked it up and carried it for a bath. I put it in the sun but it still isn't even coming on. What should i do? Is it the end for my iphone?
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