What iphone app is used to edit a picture like this?

It's kinda like whitagram, but instead of just getting a square picture, you can add a white border about the whole picture and have it in the regular size instead of just a square.

just like this picture --->


Maybe photoshop? Not sure.

There are three features to the image you linked.

* a white border around the image. That can be done using any photo program (but you are looking for an app -- search for one using your iPhone. Look for "Border apps" It is apparent that "whitagram" both adds the border and crops the image to make it square
* the image has been converted into a black and white image. I'm sure there are apps for that, you just have to search for them
* it has lens flare and that is done when taking the shot. You just have to place the sun in the top of your shot

Snapseed, made by Nik which is now owned by Google.