What is my warranty deal with my iPhone 4S (ATT)?

*I preordered the iPhone 4S last year
*I also bought it through AT&T
*I never had any problems with it but last night I must have dropped it but i never noticed until a little later that I have a crack going across the screen. It's not terrible but it's definitely there.

Do I have a warranty deal that came automatically with buying the phone? Does it cover the crack? Also how long do you think I would have had it for?

(i tried googling but it was all very confusing)

Just buy a screen from eBay an fit it urself

Warranty doesn't cover crack screens or water damage.
warranty is 1 year from date of purchase.
you will need to pay $199 to get the screen fixed.

Don't even think about paying for a repair from Apple, they charge a ridiculous amount of money for something you can do yourself and save
I've heard of this new site called iscreensfix.com
They specialize in iPhone and iPod screen replacements, and offer guides, videos, 24/7 one on one help, private members' section plus several extra bonuses. They can also refer you to where you will need to buy a new screen and if you ever get stuck, email them and they'll email you back right away.
If you'd like to take a look, follow the link below:

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