What is the BEST bianural microphone I can use with my iphone?

I would like to start making ASMR videos using my iphone but don't know what kind of microphones to purchase. I know I would like a bianural mic but am not willing to pay $$$$ for it. Anything under $200 the most.
Would I need another video camera to get really good sound or will the iphone and bianural mic suffice?

All you are talking about is stereo recording of audio. Correct? Thats all bianural recordings are… Stereo…

… And the pseudo-science of believing you can manipulate brain waves with the right combinations of sounds in each ear.

If you want to record specifically-intended sound tracks to have some given, desired effect on someone… You need to study the (pseudo)science.

But when it comes time to do the recording, all youre doing is stereo recording. The best way to do this is, in my opinion, recording two separate tracks with two separate microphones… And overlaying them into a stereo recording (two channels of sound) using special audio manipulation software (like Audacity for Windows). In all seriousness you could probably do this with the junk products you have already.

Recording on a phone is very imperfect. You'd be much better with a video camera with good optics etc. A "HD" phone video will look worse than an SD video recorded with a good camera because resolution depends on optics at least as much as pixel number

You'll continue to have problems finding what you want if you use incorrect terminology.

You want a stereo mic. Do a search using "iphone stereo mic".

You did not tell us which iPhone.


And since we don't know what video camera you currently have, we have no way to know if you need "another one". Unless you are referring to the iPhone's video capture convenience feature, in which case, yes, a device designed to capture video would be preferable to a device designed to be a phone that happens to capture video…