What is the best iPhone service deal?
I'm looking for a cheap plan that would work with the iPhone. I'm looking for the best deal that covers text, talk and data. I don't really mind how much I have to pay for the phone. Just want a good service deal. Even Wal-Mart deals are welcomed if there are any.
Virgin Mobile USA or Straight Talk by Tracfone
BestPhoneService.biz $49 unlimited talk, Text, 4G data nationwide coverage on a major carrier. No slow speed limit like only the first 500mb are 4G the rest are slower or first 2GB or 4GB… Unlimited 4G data. Visit BestPhoneService.biz for more details. And you can use the mobile hotspot.
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Sound to good to be true see for yourself at BestPhoneService.biz
Different Cities do have different Carriers, and saying that ~ they may have cheaper rates than we have here in (Central) Indiana.
I have an iPhone 5 on Sprint. Sprint is one carrier that offers truly unlimited data, so my plan is $80 per month: Unlimited Wireless Call Minutes, 450 Landline Minutes, Unlimited Data, Unlimited Texts.
Here, both Verizon & AT&T Contracts (not prepaids) have "Data Packages" that you have to 'add on' to the Smartphone Plan you select. So if you use more data, you generally will select a plan with more data and pay more.
Locally (for Prepaid carriers) we sell a lot of Boost and Virgin Mobile Smartphones. Both these firms are owned by Sprint, so they use Sprint Coverage, yet they both have different Smartphone Plans.
Virgin Mobile does have the iPhone 5 ($550), Boost does not. The Virgin Plan is at $35, $45, or $55. The Boost Plan is $55 to start, and can shrink to $40. I believe the Virgin & Boost Plans have a limit of 2.5 GB of data. (GigaBytes not GigaBits… )
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