What is the best way to take good pictures with my iphone?

I have recently got a new iphone 5 (the old version) and I love the camera as it is so much better than my old phone.

My success rate with getting good pictures has been a bit mixed. I would like to know if there's something I'm doing wrong or how I can make sure my pictures are better. What do I have to keep in mind.

Point and click… Derp

Iphones are cool. I have one.
I usually turn my camera facing me and take pictures, its better if you instagram then, the picture won't turn the other way when you save it. Try taking a pic from a higher angle and find your best side. You can also incorporate filters to add and make the picture look together.

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Put it in auto mode

Your Iphone is a pretty amazing bit of tech which can take great pictures, but as with anything you will have to spend some time to learn how to use it properly.

The camera has a fixed lens and aperture so you can't do too much to change these to help your composition. You can zoom in by pinching, but this is mainly a digital zoom and not a real zoom so in essence it crops part of your picture.

my best tips would be the following:
1.stand still.
yes it may sound obvious but a lot of people take pictures while moving or walking around.combine that with the shutter lag and you will get slightly blurry pictures. So stand still. With your legs slightly apart so that you form a stable platform from which to take your picture.tucking your arms against your sides will make this platform more stable and sturdy as well.

i know it sounds obvious too, but tis has a huge bearing on the quality of your picture. The iphone will adjust the shutter speed based on the amount of available light. More light means faster shutter speed and this sharper pictures.low light means slow shutter speed and more chance of motion blur
in other words: the most important factor to combat subject blur is light. The brighter the light, the better your shutter will be able to stop the motion.

3.take lots of pictures and pick the best. There's no shutter to wear out on the iphone so take lots of pictures and decide to keep the one that you like best out of a series.

4 learn how the iphone works.
read up on a few blogs as to how the iphone works, how it takes pictures. This may be different from what you are used to with your previous camera/phone. For instance the iphone won't actually take the picture till you take your finger off, which is different to a camera which takes the picture when you press the shutter.