What is the most expensive thing you broke?
I threw my iphone to my bed then it bounced and hit the floor hard then it broke: D haha
A new mini van. Haha
Blew a motor in my car at the drag races.
I once broke quite a few of a set of dishes trying to move them for my mom.
My fault.
It didn't matter. We never used them; but I felt awful.
My iphone too. My three DS'S and yeah lol! I don't break things that much, I lose them.
I broke my dads truck windshield and part of the bumper… Don't ask…
I totaled a 60, 000 dollar car…
I just threw my tv out.
A $450 vase.
My old iPod touch (it fell out of my pocket and I accidentally slammed it in the car door).
Answer mine please?
I crashed my driving instructors car…
Why would you be proud you broke your iPhone? 0.o those things are expensive.
I'd say when i crashed my mom's car backing out.lmfao. The gate was in my way!
I broke my previous laptop about 3 weeks ago.
I broke my grandpa 's camera when i was a kid, but i really didn't mean it!
I normally don't break expensive things
- Who agrees, the iPhone is the most overrated thing in the history of civilization? So funny how apple manipulates peoples minds into thinking they are even somewhat good with their foolish advertising.
- What's the single most expensive item you've lost? -how long after having it did you lose? - did you replace it? *I lose my iPhone 5 a week after getting it but got an insurance one 4 days later and Now have an android.
- Isn't this the most ridiculous thing ever? Some guy was constantly tossing a shiny, brand new iPhone to the ground. And when he was asked why he was doing it, he said "iPhones with cracked screens are so mainstream and cool nowadays" wtf?
- Is there an iPhone app that tells you which songs you listen to the most? I would really like to know what the top tracks on my iPhone/iPod are, and how many times I've listened to a song. Is there an app for this?