What is the most expensive thing you broke?

I threw my iphone to my bed then it bounced and hit the floor hard then it broke: D haha

A new mini van. Haha

Blew a motor in my car at the drag races.

I once broke quite a few of a set of dishes trying to move them for my mom.
My fault.
It didn't matter. We never used them; but I felt awful.

My iphone too. My three DS'S and yeah lol! I don't break things that much, I lose them.

I broke my dads truck windshield and part of the bumper… Don't ask…

I totaled a 60, 000 dollar car…

I just threw my tv out.

A $450 vase.

My old iPod touch (it fell out of my pocket and I accidentally slammed it in the car door).

Answer mine please?

I crashed my driving instructors car…

Why would you be proud you broke your iPhone? 0.o those things are expensive.

I'd say when i crashed my mom's car backing out.lmfao. The gate was in my way!

I broke my previous laptop about 3 weeks ago.

I broke my grandpa 's camera when i was a kid, but i really didn't mean it!
I normally don't break expensive things