Who agrees, the iPhone is the most overrated thing in the history of civilization?

So funny how apple manipulates peoples minds into thinking they are even somewhat good with their foolish advertising.

*Raises hand*


I always thought that eventually we would all have shoe phones.So, yeah. Big disappointment.

Well, me personally I would NOT shell out that kind of money for a phone. I bought an android (metropcs) and rooted it!

It really is. I about broke my dam neck trying to get one too

I think all phones are overrated. It's like a f**king addiction for people, making them completely stupid. Like everytime I see an anti-texting and driving commercial, I'm like, "Seriously, that girl is dead because she wrecked herself because she just had to reply to a message?" They freaking deserve it for being that stupid. F**k iPhone and the rest of them too.

It is, it's just a phone.

I don't think it's overrated. During the day at work, I can go on the Internet on my phone and see what's going on in the news. Or I listen to my iPod. On my break I can watch videos or play games.
Pretty amazing since I couldn't do any of that stuff away from home a few years ago.

Had the iPhone hated it.

Maybe not to that extent but they are definitely overrated

Disagree because you stated " most overrated thing in the history of civilization. " in my opinion there are many other things overrated more -- such as certain automobiles, benefits of political systems, one fast food place over another, one particular style of dress, one country over another, one certain ethnic group over another etc.

I think weed is

Raises hand*

I agree and I love iPhone!

Yeah Apple is overrated, even though I do have a Mac and IPhone! You do have to admit that there products are quite revolutionary though.