What is your opinion on obamacare?

Me personally i'm against it. I'm liberitarian, i'm against new taxes and laws because most generally infringe upon personal freedom which i find very restricted these days. I don't like being told "yes you have to pay a tax for people to be able to have health coverage" even though they somehow have the money for brand new cars and iphones.

The affordable health care act is a communist ideologic form of government that must be stopped.Americans will not tolerate communism…

A great leap forward in med care, bringing the US outa the 1920s.

What do I think? It sucks. I recently helped a elderly relative with her new insurance. Because the new Health Care Act (HCA) has full control of your health care, there are restrictions that are forcing the participants to spend more money while robbing local commerce of the business profits they have grown accustom to.

For instance: Formerly, my relative used a local pharmacy that delivered her medication for free or I picked it up while shopping for typical products sold in the pharmacy, totaling about $250 per month. Stopping at local businesses along the way.

Now, with the new HCA, her local pharmacy is not on the plan, therefore she must get her RX refills out of town. She is handicapped and can't drive, so I will have to leave town to fetch her drugs now. Taking business away from local commerce and costing ME money in gasoline. This new routine we're forced to comply with is taking money from our town's tax base and local businesses are losing our patronage.

Well, there's also the option of mailing in the RX, but you have to get three months of drugs at a time, which is either not affordable for the elderly on a budget (she takes five meds a day, so the cost of five meds, each at the cost of a 90 day supply, is expensive all at once). And, if her meds are changed, she is stuck with pills she can no longer take. Still taking our spending and our tax dollars away from us locally.

Whomever won the "mail in prescription" contracts is going to make a fortune, while local town pharmacies lose millions in revenue a year.

Good going Obama.

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