What mobile services offer unlimited data plans for iPhones?
What mobile services offer unlimited data plans for iPhones?
Sprint, for one.
Sprint and StraightTalk(prepaid service)
Sprint.AT&T for sure does not.
Straight Talk is technically unlimited, except they will drop your bandwidth to 2G after 2 GB of download, or if you are using too much data in a given stretch of time. Connection wise, this is off the AT&T signal/sim card and you will have to bring your own phone. Depending on what model you have, you will have 3G or 4G capabilites (if it is an iPhone 5). Sprint offers unlimited data, but their cheapest unlimited data plan cost is $79.99/month minimum for only 450 minutes of talking. Straight Talk will do unlimited talking, text, dat for $45. Sure, maybe you don't need to use your talk feature more than 450 minutes a month… But why pay ~$25 more a month for less?
PS, me, I also recommend Solavei, which, since it uses T-Mobile towers does not provide the best service to iPhone members at the moment, they are in the process of modifying their network to bring 3G/4G LTE service to all folks, which includes iPhone users. Supposedly it was suppose to happen as of May of 2012, but I'm unaware of the progress in most metropolitan areas… It has been slow going. Once it is active, though, Solavei will have unlimited high speed data offerings to not just those already supported (most Android phones already enjoy unlimited 4G access where available) but iPhones and current model AT&T LTE phones.
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