What morph is my ball python? Is he a normal?

This is a ball that I rescued from a reptile shelter, adopted for only about $40. We've had him for a couple years now and I've never thought much about his morph, but now I'm thinking that he doesn't look like a normal at all. I don't know much about morphs past leucistics and bumblebees and spiders and very basic morphs, so I'm asking all morph experts out there, is my snake just a normal or do you think he's something else? If so, what is he?

The first two photos were taken today during his soak after a poor shed (the first he's had in a long time). In the first one, you can see the top of his body and in the second, you can see his stomach a bit more. He's a teeny bit darker because he's wet but the pictures are about right for the most part. I also have a third photo from about a year ago. The coloring is really off because it was very sunny outside and my iPhone camera didn't handle that very well, but I posted it so that you could see his head markings better.



Added (1). Also, just a note--he is a very dark snake, basically as dark as in the 1st and 2nd pictures, if the lighting threw anyone off. He has QUITE a bit of black on him as well as very dark brown. Another note-- our vet thought he might be part cinnamon.

There's no part cinnamon

He is normal