What phone should I get my grandson?

I need to get my grandson a new phone for his birthday but i'm at a loss for what brand I should go for. Iphone or andriod? What is the best.


Iphone, because its the best phone… Iphone… The best phone. Is an iphone… The best phone… Iphone!

None. Do him the favor of his life and liberate him from this stuff.

Iphone granny! Get him a iphone he will lay on the ground and cry of happiness

What phone does he currently have? Most people are set in their ways and don't like switching. If he already has an iPhone then get him an iPhone, if he has an Android then get him that.

IPhone 8.

If he's not circumcised, put the money towards that instead (and if he is circumcised, it can always do to be redone and made higher and tighter).

Get him an iPhone! He won't be made fun of. Get him the iPhone 3gs

Android isn't a brand. Its an operating system.

I'd probably go for an iPhone SE in this case.
