What's a great phone besides the iphone?
I own an iPhone 4 right now and I love how extremely easy it is to use but I absolutely hate how cheap it is (Mine started breaking down withing 6 months). My two year contract will be up in a couple weeks. I need a phone where I can put my music on it easily and play it through radios easily (music is my life) so that Is basically the only mandatory thing that I absolutely need and it needs to be easy to work. I also need to work my email very easily and I need a good web browser too
P.S. I'm with AT&T and I hate them so I wouldn't mind switching carriers.
Htc rezound. Verizon. Razr maxx. Verizon.
Samsung Galaxy S III
Nokia Lumia 900
Motorla Atrix HD
HTC Vivid
Samsung Galaxy Note
You can easily transfer music onto those phones by simply copying and pasting them into a folder when connected to your computer. Some of these phones have built-in radio apps and if you want streaming radio, you can download them from the app stores that comes with the phone (most of them have Google Play).
Before my iPhone I had a Samsung galaxy s, one of the best phones I've ever had. It got stolen through.
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