What's the big deal about samsungs folding phones? IPhone did that 5 years ago?
Lmao, innovators.
Even if it works, it's a stupid gimmick that you always have to worry about breaking anyway. I see no purpose in it.
Please let us know which iPhone version you are talking about? Because 5 years ago the iPhone 6 came out and it doesn't fold as far as I can tell.
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- What's the big deal about the Iphone 5? What is the big deal about the Iphone 5 there hasn't been any big changes in my opinion it is still the Iphone 4 just with a bigger screen and little differences. In my opinion it is more like an Iphone I prefer the Galaxy Note 2 over the Iphone 5 despite the size i think it is just overall better and the apps are free. Only thing I think is great about the Iphone is I have heard the battery life is amazing.