What's the difference between a tethered and an untethered jailbreak?

I know one means if you restart the iPhone, it will get stuck on the apple logo during reboot. I want the one where you can restart it with no problems and I won't have to lose any data

Untethered is what you'd want then.

Difference being when you restart you'd have to connect (tether) your iPhone to a computer & run the software for it to reboot properly. Wouldn't lose data doing that though, just a little inconvenient

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A tethered jailbreak requires the iOS device to be plugged into a computer when turned on. If the iPhone is not plugged into a computer and booted with special software the device will not enter a jailbroken state.

Untethered jailbreaks do not require a computer. Everything required to enter the jailbroken state is contained on the iPhone. Rebooting away from a computer does not affect the jailbreak. IOS 4.3.3 and older jailbreaks including PwnageTool, limera1n, greenpoison and snowbreeze are untethered solutions."